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Laboratory of Engineering Mechanics for Disaster Prevention


Food is one of the essential elements for human lives. Rural areas that produce food have suffered a great deal of damage from natural and man-made disasters in recent years. For example, the torrential rains that occur in many parts of Japan every year induce slope disasters and damage agricultural infrastructures such as irrigation reservoirs and channels. On the anthropogenic side, fertilizer and pesticide application to increase agricultural productivity can cause soil and groundwater contamination. Our research focuses on the mechanisms, countermeasures, and recovery methods for natural and man-made disasters in rural areas, especially those related to geotechnical engineering.


Research Topics


Landslide caused by torrential rain


Citrus fruits, a representative agricultural crop of Ehime Prefecture, Japan, are often grown on steep slopes. Cultivation areas on such slopes were severely damaged by the landslides caused by the record-breaking rainfall of 2018. Our research targets not only the restoration of these damages and countermeasures, but also the elucidation of the mechanism of the landslides.


Groundwater contamination

​河川や湖沼にある地表水に比べると,地下水は地理的・季節的に利用可能な水量が安定しています.ただ,水資源としての有効性の反面,地下水は動きが遅く, ひとたび汚染されると浄化が困難です. このため,汚染させないよう努めることはもちろんですが, 汚染されたときにその物質がどう動くかを理解しておくことも, 対策を考える上で重要なことです.当研究室では,室内・フィールド実験と数値シミュレーションを連携し,動きの特性を調査しています.

Compared to surface water in rivers and lakes, groundwater is geographically and seasonally more stable in terms of the amount of water available. Despite its effectiveness as a water resource, groundwater is slow-moving and difficult to clean up once contaminated. Therefore, in addition to trying to prevent contamination, it is also important to understand how the contaminant behaves when considering remediation measures. We investigate contaminant behaviors using laboratory and field experiments, and numerical simulation.

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